Harvest Haven Certified Chicken
Perhaps one of the most offensive agricultural odors wafting across the countryside is the foul stench of industrial chicken barns. Tens of thousands of birds per operation are callously robbed of hygiene, health, and happiness. These hideous farms represent the peak of modern food production’s ignorance, arrogance, and stupidity.
Harvest Haven Certified Bread
With so many rumors going around about bread and how evil it is, it was tragic to us to see the Staff of Life regarded as the End of Life. Bread has been framed! So, we set out to clear its name.
The True Cost of Food – No More Whiners
I don’t want to sound like a whiner myself but dealing with some individuals can almost put me over the edge. Does summer bring out the worst in people or just the worst people?
Bureaucracy and Personal Responsibility for Food Safety - Part II
A couple weeks have passed, and Martin's not over his hatred of bureaucracy yet. He's got a story for you to reinforce his point that’s brought to you by the Government of Canada by the authority of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
Bureaucracy and Personal Responsibility for Food Safety
"The fact is, there is no difference between a producer irresponsibly cutting corners to save a buck while killing a child, and a parent ignorantly cutting corners at the grocery store looking to save a buck and killing their child."
Grander Living Water Energy Boards and Penergizers
In this short instructive video, Martin Van Popta explains how to use Grander Living Water Energy Boards and Penergizers. These are the most popular Grander products because they easily demonstrate the effectiveness of this technology without having installation costs.
Why Vegetables Need to Fight for Their Existence, The Old-Fashioned Way
We all know chemical pesticides and herbicides are dangerous for our health and the environment. But, how much consideration is given to fertilizers, either artificial or natural? In this video, Martin briefly describes the effects of fertilizers on the soil and the plants grown in it. He explains the importance of maintaining healthy soil microbiology and growing food “the old-fashioned way.”
The Enemy is Among Us
We just want groceries, not your political rants!
Some of you have expressed to us, “We just want groceries, not your political rants!” If that’s the case, stop reading now and continue to buy our groceries.
Our Response to Canada's Food Guide Regarding Beef
Martin has a few things to say about taking responsibility for our own food and why the government shouldn’t be involved.
Harvest Haven Certified
Over the past two decades, we've had many people ask us if we're "certified organic." We've also had many tell us that we should get "certified." We've even had people look at us skeptically when we tell them our food isn't technically "certified organic" but our standards are much higher than is required to be certified.
Feeding the World
A farm regulated to production of raw commodities is not a farm at all. It is a temporary blip until the land is used up, the water polluted, the neighbors nauseated, and the air unbreathable. The farmhouse, the concrete, the machinery, and outbuildings become relics of a bygone vibrancy when another family farm moves to the city financial centers for relief.