Grander Water Revitalization

What is Grander Water Revitalization?
Grander Water Revitalization is a natural technology from Austria which brings water back to life by restoring its original vitality and energy. It makes water more pleasurable for drinking and bathing, more effective for cleaning, enhancing anything that uses water. Revitalized water has a profound influence on all living things, but even mechanical and nonliving systems using water (boilers, cooling units, humidifiers) benefit from its enhanced properties.
Even as purification is necessary today, so revitalization is needful because of how damaged water has become. Filtration does not bring water back to life; purified water is still dead water. For water to impart vitality it must be more than just clean; it needs to be ALIVE!
Water revitalized with Grander has many desirable qualities we associate with pure spring water. The underlying structure of water becomes highly organized and dynamic when revitalized. This proper structure, which exists in pristine nature, improves water’s usefulness and benefit to health.
High-pressure pipes, electromagnetic fields, and other forms of man-made pollution cause water to lose its natural, healthy structure. Filtering, reverse osmoses, or any number of other common treatments, will not reestablish the healthy structure of water.
Austrian naturalist Johann Grander discovered a natural means to revitalize water by restoring its structural integrity. His discovery has stood the test of time and the time of tests.
Water with revitalized structure can better transport nutrients to your cells and remove wastes and toxins from them. Revitalized water cleans better and stays clean longer. It is more in harmony with nature and more resilient, like a healthy body.
Commonly Reported Personal Results: |
Other Remarkable Benefits: |
Take a look at this experiment done using Grander for wheat grass growth:
Grander Living Water Units
In-line units can treat all the water in your home or business that are easy to install and have no operating costs. Once the unit is placed on your water main entering your home, you can enjoy revitalized water throughout your entire household.
Grander Energy Rods
Grander technology in several appropriate sizes to treat ponds, wells, hot tubs, and other bodies of water.
Grander Living Water Energy Boards
Grander Penergizers
3/8" Grander Flexible Living Water Units
Removable portable unit for use on one line, such as a kitchen faucet, shower, or garden hose. Treats any fluid.
Grander Living Water Pendants

Enhance your energy while protecting yourself from harmful EMF’s with these attractive and comfortable pendants. Available in several styles.
Grander ECO-Kat
Improves vehicle efficiency - better mileage, less pollution, longer lasting engines and parts. Used by the Chinese Railway.
What is the Function & Effect of Grander
Grander functions by using a process of information transfer from water to water. The various devices contain chambers, inside which are so-called "highly coherent functional water". This coherent water is of high order and stability. The nearby presence of the coherent water results in transfer to the regular tap water without the necessity of direct contact. this is known as the Grander effect.
What changes are made resulting in Grander Revitalised Water?
Like most substances, the inner structure of water, is the primary factor determining the characteristics of the water. Knowing this, the changes Grander has to the structure of the water make its inner structure more stable with positive physical and microbiological characteristics.
What characteristics of water does Grander not affect?
- Grander does not change the water hardness
- It does not alter the chemical substances in the water
- Grander does not disinfect water. This is spearate to the potential for (re)contamination.
How long do the beneficial effects of Grander last?
The effects have not been shown to have a time limitation. Users have experienced the effects lasting for 30+ years. Devices under use for over 20 years have still shown the Grander effect so there is no data showing a loss of effect.
How can someone test the effect at home?
As the effect of Grander is on the inner structure of water, users have reported the best way to amplify the effect by using it in a beverage with intense taste. Try this out and let us know what you noticed.
Does Grander remove impurities from water?
No. Grander does not filter water like micropore, carbon or osmosis style filters. For the ultimate water filtration, see Berkey Filters.
Can you combine a Grander Device with another water treatment device?
Yes, in fact, this is a very common occurrence. In particular, we have encouraged combining Grander devices with our Berkey water filters. However, it can also be added to other systems such as ion exchange, reverse osmosis, magnet or UV disinfection devices. As stated above, Grander systems will complement these systems but not replace them. The only recommendation is to have the Grander device following the initial filter treatment.
Where & How is a Grander water vitalization system installed?
As you can see in the options above, there are a variety of Grander systems available to suit any purpose. As a result, installation will depend on the system used and the water source being treated. For a central household or business, the Grander should be installed in the central water intake supply. For treatment of just a single course, devices can be easily installed under the sink to a single outlet. Treatment options exist for ponds, garden sprinkler systems, hoses, and water containers both large and small. Contact us if you can't decide which option is best for you.
Who can install your Grander device?
Grander devices are typically simple to install. Some people choose to install the systems themselves but others choose to have it done by a professional plumber. Again, this may depend on which system you intend to use. Contact us for advice.
What factors should you consider in choosing a Grander System
When considering what Grander system to install, some factors to consider include pipe dimensions, water flow rate, water pressure, water treatment volume, device installation location among others.
What Materials are used in fabrication of the Grander device?
Grander water revitalization systems are built to be a true Austrian quality product. Most of the products are made from high quality stainless steel which guarantees they are durable and long-lasting.
Do Grander devices require maintenance?
No, Grander devices do not require any maintenance or have any running costs.
Grander Testimonies
Review from Victor Hafichuk
For fourteen years, my wife’s fingers were constantly cracked, ever since using harsh laundry detergents at a motel we operated. Nothing would cure the problem – until we installed Grander in our home. Within six weeks, the cracks were gone and her fingers have remained healed. We both find our skin noticeably softer and more supple.
Our septic tank used to emit an offensive odor due to the anaerobic bacteria present. I didn’t relish the job of cleaning the diverter valve since afterwards my hands would have that peculiar, chemical-like smell for a week, even after scrubbing with soap and water.
We installed a Grander unit in our home treating all the water that we use and after six months the odor from the tank was much improved – my hands only smelled for a day or two. One year after the installation, I could rinse my hands at an outside tap, without using soap, and there was no smell!
The natural processes that Grander encourages take time, but one cannot question such a dramatic turnaround in just one year. Even the odor in the tank itself is greatly reduced and I am certain the improvement in waste breakdown will increase the life of the septic field as well.
An update, one year later…
Until 2004, the farmhouse had a half-inch Grander unit installed on the water main. After attending a Grander conference in Austria, we learned that the unit must never be smaller than the water line itself. We replaced the half-inch unit with a three-quarter inch. What a difference! There was no longer a need for the water softener, so it was removed. The water feels much better and is actually softer than before. The dishes come out cleaner and the glasses are spotless.
Review from Paul Boehme
From: PAUL B.
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2018 8:55 AM
To: Harvest Haven
Subject: RE: Grander Penegizer order
You May be interested in my experience since consuming only Grander revitalized waters, as well as veggies I emulsify, as the only way I can "eat", due to lower right jaw transplant, in 2010, & again in 2012.
yada-yada, had a weeping wound on R. chin, lymph glands all stripped out, so no way for body to recycle those cellular discards.
Using the Grander Penegizer water the last 15 days, have noticed the discharge from wound has Almost dried up, the surgical compaction of flesh around lower lip has become less compacted, and today, I was able to form a seal around the mouth of a pop bottle I drink water from.
Phew! Emotional, writing that!
Ya see, it's relatively embarrassing when a grown man drools his food or drink, encouraging becoming a hermit.
Hated that: The Only change to my lifestyle in at least 5 years, has been the Grander treated water, drunk the past 14 days, really.
.. sorry, emotions.
Thank you for being there, you Grander Pusher you!
Paul B.